Navigating the Process: Reporting and Applying for Survivor Benefits
Welcome back to our “Everything About Survivor Benefits” series. In this eleventh installment, we’ll guide you through the process of reporting the death of a federal employee or retiree and applying for survivor benefits.
Reporting a Death
When a federal employee or retiree passes away, it’s important to report the death promptly. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers several options for reporting:
- Complete an online Report of Death form.
- Email
- Call OPM’s Retirement Information Office at 888-767-6738 Monday through Friday between 7:40 am and 5:00 pm EST/EDT.
You’ll need to provide the deceased person’s name, relevant information such as date of birth, social security number, claim number, and address, as well as the names and addresses of the survivors.
After Reporting the Death
For retirees, OPM will create a claim number for the deceased and send an “invite packet” to the survivors. This packet includes important forms such as the Application for Death Benefits and the OFEGLI Claim for Death Benefits form. If the deceased was an employee, the employing agency will provide the survivors with an “invite packet” and assist them in providing OPM with necessary information.
Documents to Include with Your Application
When applying for death benefits, it’s important to include the following documents:
- Proof of death showing the date and cause/manner of death.
- Proof of termination of any marriage.
- Marriage certificate (for widows/widowers).
- Birth certificate (for children of the deceased).
- Appointment documentation (for court-appointed administrators, executors, etc.).
Processing Your Application
Once OPM receives a complete application, it will be assigned to a specialist for processing. If additional information is needed, the specialist will reach out to the survivor(s) and/or agency. Once all documentation is received, the claim will be processed accordingly.
Navigating the process of reporting a death and applying for survivor benefits can be complex, but understanding the steps involved can help ease the process during a difficult time. Thank you for joining us for this informational video series! Stay tuned for more valuable insights into survivor benefits.