Welcome back to our comprehensive series on survivor benefits. In this seventh installment, we’ll explore the intricacies of the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) offset program, benefits for children of deceased retirees, and the determination of survivor annuities for former spouses.
CSRS Offset Program: Under the CSRS offset program, a survivor annuity for a spouse is calculated similarly to a survivor annuity under full CSRS coverage. However, if the spouse is eligible for Social Security benefits based on the retiree’s federal service, their annuity may be reduced. If the spouse is not eligible for Social Security benefits, the civil service annuity remains unchanged.
Benefits for Children: Unmarried children, typically under the age of 18, who were dependent on the retiree may be eligible for recurring monthly payments. Dependency is determined by proof that the deceased made regular and substantial contributions to the child’s support. Full-time students between the ages of 18 and 22 may also be eligible, provided they meet other qualifying requirements.
Former Spouse Annuities: A monthly survivor annuity may be payable to a former spouse after the death of the employee or annuitant if provided by a court order or the annuitant’s election. The amount of the annuity is determined based on the court order or, if based on the annuitant’s election, is calculated similarly to the amount due to a current surviving spouse. However, if the employee has remarried, the election can only be made with the current spouse’s consent.
\Understanding survivor benefits, including the CSRS offset program, benefits for children, and former spouse annuities, is crucial for ensuring financial security for surviving family members. Stay tuned with Pathfinder Retirement for the next installment of our series, where we’ll continue to explore survivor benefits in more detail.